Sunday, January 17, 2010

Terrific, by Jon Agee

Synopsis: Eugene Mudge lives in Dismal, ND, and has a little problem with negativity. When he wins a free trip to Bermuda, his response is "Terrific, I'll probably get a really nasty sunburn." Nothing seems to go right for him and no matter how horrible the experience – a wrecked cruise ship, a deserted island, a talking parrot, and almost dying of thirst – his response is always a snide "Terrific." Eugene's a grumpy old man, but sometimes, grumpy old men can surprise you. Sometimes, they even surprise themselves.

Activity: Each group received random items (eg. notebook, T-shirt etc) and had to pick 5 items to help them escape from Eugene's desert island. (The kids had to explain their choices)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What Does My Teddy Bear Do All Night? by Bruno Hachler

Synopsis: In this sequel to What Does My Teddy Bear Do All Day?, a young girl plays with her bear when she should be in bed. Together they read books, build with blocks, go to the potty, and jump on the bed. When she finally goes to sleep, the youngster imagines that her bear plays in the tub and keeps the scary shadows away. In the morning, teddy finally falls asleep after his busy night.

Activity: Write a story of what my soft toy of choice does all day when I am in school.